Hey, I'm a gift!

And Now We Are Six!

Six good on-program WW days in a row. Hoo-Ah!!

And the weekend is going just swimmingly. Got to spend some time yesterday with a writing buddy -- always a very cool thing. And it was a surprise so even better. She and I usually have to arrange way ahead of time because she's got a lot of work and family commitments, but yesterday she just called up out of the blue and we had a blast.

And today, my eldest daughter's boyfriend is here all day, watching the ball games with Scott. Alyson is still in Vegas (::pout::) but he's in town for some work-related training. So I made dinner -- cheesey chicken biscuits -- a recipe I got from the cookbook at DWLZ!! Very good comfort-food, and easy on the points.

I didn't get in any kind of workout today -- cramps-from-hell -- so I'm planning on doing step aerobics tomorrow morning. I'm being so good that I actually have a plan -- I have a birthday gathering Wednesday evening, so I'm going to hit Curves on Tue, Thu, and Sat. I shouldn't be so proud of myself for having plotted that out. And yet, I am!

And oh, did I mention? Six Good Days in a Row?!?

Also, perhaps not incoincidentally, the Scalegod said the same thing yesterday and today -- 177.8. That's down 3.6 from last Wednesday!! 'Course, there's period-weirdness involved, so we'll see, come this Wednesday, where it settles out. But I might not be as far away from my 175 goal as I thought I was going to be.

Wouldn't that be cool!

While I was at the grocery store today I picked up the new issue of People. There's a feature on Randy Jackson, the American Idol guy that had the WLS, and it has stories from other people, too. So I called my friend Em and told her if she hadn't already bought the mag, don't, cuz I'll bring it in to work on Tuesday.

She said she hadn't, but she had talked to her fiance. She whispered that part, so I understood that she didn't want to go in to detail on the phone just then.

Which I always find amusing. I mean, Scott knows damn well that Em hears all about us. I assume her fiance figures the same thing. But I guess knowing, in the abstract, that your life is being dissected isn't the same thing as hearing it happen.

Something about the way she said it, though, led me to think that he didn't try to talk her out of it.

Maybe he's hoping the same thing I am. That she's just trying the idea on for size, so to speak. Running it up the flagpole. It's so scary though.

All the people in the stories in People talked about how much exercise they're doing, etc. And in the Randy Jackson write-up, it mentioned that the doctors put a band in place around the "pouch" so that it can't be stretched out again. I don't remember hearing/reading about that before. But it makes sense. Christie, it sounds like your aunt had the surgery? And then gained the weight back?

And I'm not even the one thinking about getting the surgery!

Well, not seriously, anyway . . .